Learning how to fight doesn’t make you a violent person, it just means you want to be able to stop it if violence came to your doorstep.
When physical violence goes unanswered, the one receiving it is scarred for life. You can stop that from happening – especially if you’re a female, a child, or just physically smaller.
As mentioned earlier, boxing levels the playing field. It is the deterrent that keeps harm at bay. The boxing life is about speed, motion and well-being. It disciplines the self and brings routine to your life. Routine is another word for rhythm. And boxing, is all about rhythm. Bring stability in your life through movement, tempo and repetition. It opens a world of possibilities, empowering you to do things you never thought your body was capable of.
The lifestyle brings with it challenges, ones that you can physically control – with every accomplishment, every win, you achieve more than your goals, you achieve self-awareness. You learn your body, exploring its limitations, yet you PUSH harder because it’s YOURS and YOU get to decide where you quit. With each grinding exercises the day’s anger and frustration fades, and the mind clears.
Apart from physical fitness, boxing builds mental fitness too. It gives you a mentality and a pathway to ‘deal with problems at hand’. The training translates into life and you find yourself in control, safe and ready to face anything head on. In this sport, the more you train, the more you break yourself – it is with this pressure that you form anew; hardened, like a diamond, nothing cuts you – except another diamond.
Boxing will remind you of your mortality, the limits of your body, your ability to take punishment and dole it too. Within it is the greatest teacher known to us – pain. The power of pain helps one grow. A punch to the face keeps the ego in check, it’s the constant reminder that you can get hit, hurt and that you can choose to stop the pain by giving up; but then you push, you duck, weave and fight back; you overcome.
Pain teaches you is discipline. It helps you realise the need for control. Olympic gold medalist, British Commonwealth and WBC Heavyweight Champion Anthony Joshua admits that he would have ended up behind bars for street and drug crime. If it weren’t for boxing, the 26 year old would’ve ended up with nothing, he would’ve been a nobody with a record. The sweet science instilled a sense of purpose in him, and when he realized what his body was capable of, he dedicated his life to the sport, and never looked back. Today he is a World champion and an icon.
‘It was strange because my upbringing was good. My mum always ensured there was discipline in the house,’ said Joshua.
‘But as soon as I stepped out on the street it was different. And, when you’re in a group, you never make decisions for yourself, it’s always “What’s the boys doing?”.’
People look up to him as a role model and young ones aspire to be him. Set to face Charles Martin for the IBF Heavyweight belt, Anthony Joshua is literally a few days away from fulfilling his dreams.
“I have finally got it all together. How lucky am I?’ “
RDX Sports believes in the power of boxing. For mind, body and soul. We believe everyone should invest in a pair of fine quality gloves that empowers them when worn. Our Contact Sports gear were engineered for the fighter inside you to grow; for man, woman and child alike.
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