In this week of Ring Cage and Mat, RDX sports interviews Connor Logue who recently secured third position at the ISF Open World Street Lifting Championship 2022. He showed great skills and endurance while completing over 170 kg total in both pull ups and dips. We took the time out to get to know Connor a little better and see what motivates and engages him about the sport.
How did you get into the sport?
I have been weight training for around seven years now. I have included bodyweight exercises in my daily workout. Since I’m a goal oriented person and can be quite competitive, I got involved in powerlifting as it was getting popular at that time. I began to enjoy doing exercises with my body weight which were similar to powerlifting exercises. During lockdown when gyms were closed, I got more involved in bodyweight exercises. I began to search for bodyweight training and found the ISF website. I later saw that they were having a competition in a nearby locality, so I signed up.
Any advice for up-comers in the sport?
I still consider myself as an up-comer to the world of calisthenics but I would definitely recommend up-comers to sign up for Street Lifting competitions. It really doesn’t matter if you’re new to this sport or have not reached the intermediate or pro level yet. When I attended the competition that was sponsored by RDXSports as well. I was able to meet so many like-minded people and made some new friends. Not only this, but with many interactions, I was able to learn more about this sport. I’m still excited and I look forward to meeting more of the Street lifting community and signing up for more competitions. Search for Street Lifting athletes on social media and you’ll see a bunch of guys performing some amazing calisthenics, all of that will inspire you like it inspired me.
When did you first discover Calisthenics and how did it make you feel?
I saw YouTube videos a few years ago and found calisthenics to be really cool. The combination of the skills involved really impressed me.
What do you do when you don’t feel like working out?
Gladly, I almost never feel like not working out. I always plan ahead for my training and set achievable goals for myself. In this way I stay pretty organized and never miss any of my training sessions. All of this because I work hard to achieve the goals I set forth. I also watch videos of athletes like Matthew Zlat. he is someone who inspires me.
What exercise is the most exciting for you? Or What exercise is your favorite?
Weighted dips for sure, it’s more like an upper body squat. I love being able to add a large amount of weight to the belt for this one. I enjoy watching the high level Street lifters lift some crazy weights too.
What does Move, Improve, Evolve mean to you?
I interpret it as a fundamental training principle, something I incorporate into my own programming. Make a new training block (Move), use it to progress and get stronger (Improve). Then move forward with your new progress to the next training block (Evolve).
RDX Sports supports the fight and fitness community by providing a platform not just for the pro athletes but also for up and coming athletes. We are extremely proud of Connor Logue and his performance in the ISF Open World Street Lifting Championship. We highly recommend keeping an eye on his career as it develops. He sure is an inspiration for many youngsters and upcomers to the world of calisthenics.