In 2015, news of Nick Diaz been handed a suspension over doping charges rocked the sports world. The Stockton native was handed a five-year ban from participating in UFC because of his indulgence in marijuana use. Now, UFC’s first woman flyweight artist to embrace victory, Mara Romero Borella has been handed over 26-year ban from making any appearance in the sport on basis of using the drug. The decision was handed to 32-year-old artist from Italian anti-doping agency.
Mara Romero is the first female flyweight artist to have embraced victory in UFC. Borella participated in the second flyweight bout in UFC 216 and made her mark by dispatching an impressive defeat to Kalindra Faria in the initial round.
However, 32-year-old Italian artist has quite a controversial past that keeps her name headlining in the news.
Mara Romero Borella faced a 15-year suspension from Italy’s National Anti Doping Agency in 2015 on charges of carrying illegal substances. Now, with an unpleasant twist in events, the ban has been increased up to year 2044 on basis of violation of Italian Anti Doping Codes. The suspended artist cannot compete in a fight or use fighting facilities under article 4.12.3 of Anti Doping Code for 26 years.
Borella and her then-beau Rugby player Filippo Maserati were part of an investigation named as “Operazione Flanker.” The 2-year investigation led to the arrest of the Borella and her partner along with 33 suspects on charges of possession, sale and distribution of cannabis and cocaine within the vicinity of Italian town Piacenza.
According to the findings of Operazione Flanker, it is believed that Maria Romero Borella has been actively selling drugs in and around various soccer and rugby sport facilities and inside her gym.
On July 2012, it was reported on local Italian media that 31 out of 33 defendants were part of plea deals that could decrease the duration of their sentence from up to 1 to 4 years of jail service.
It is yet to be seen that how this ban would impact Mara Romero’s career in UFC.
What do you think about Mara Romero’s 26-year ban on marijuana use?