Torching calories can seem like an unending battle requiring an incredible amount of sweat, energy, time, and unwavering dedication. But even after all the hours you’ve run on the treadmill and counted countless burpees, it feels like the scale is stubbornly stuck, as if an unseen force is holding the needle in place, indifferent to your efforts. That’s when you’ve hit a plateau and the peaked frustration which can make even the most dedicated fitness enthusiasts feel like they’re running in circles.

In moments like these, it’s time to shake things up in your exercise routine. Say goodbye to the monotony and hello to innovation with sandbag training. This versatile tool brings a refreshing change to your workouts, challenging your muscles in new ways and reigniting your fat-burning potential.

Sandbag training is a versatile form of strength training that is rapidly gaining popularity in the fitness world for weight loss and muscle toning. This training includes sandbags as its main component. These are large bags made of durable material filled with sand. These have been used by wrestlers and martial artists for hundreds of years. Today, these are incorporated into military and combat sports workouts for strength and conditioning.

But don’t be fooled by its simplicity; this is no ordinary weight. The shifting sands inside of the bag make each lift, squat, and swing a unique challenge, engaging your muscles in a play of power and balance.

Plus, the versatility of sandbag exercises means you’re less likely to hit a plateau, keeping your weight loss journey exciting and effective.

So, without further ado, let’s dive deeper into understanding why and how sandbag training is the best for weight loss.

Why Use Sandbags for Weight Loss?

There are various ways in which sandbag burns calories and helps with achieving your weight loss goals. Here are some of the top reasons to begin the training:

Versatility and Adaptability of Sandbags

Whether you’re a gym newbie or a seasoned athlete, sandbags adapt to your level and goals. Fancy a heart-pumping cardio session? Grab a sandbag. Dreaming of muscle-building strength training? Sandbag’s got your back. This isn’t just a workout tool; it’s your all-in-one fitness companion, ready to morph into whatever your workout demands. It’s like having an entire gym in one gritty, sand-filled package.

Increased Muscle Engagement

An additional perk of sandbag training is its ability to accelerate muscle activation. The catch is the sandbag’s instability. As you grapple with the shifting sands, your body has to work much harder to stabilise this unpredictable weight. This means that your stabiliser muscles will have to work much harder than they were when working the machines. This increase in muscle engagement would catapult your calorie burn and take the weight loss journey up a level.

Calorie Burning Potential

If calories had nightmares, they’d feature sandbags. The combination of weight resistance and high-intensity cardio turns your body into a calorie-torching furnace. With every hoist and hurl of the sandbag, you’re not just building muscle; you’re sending your metabolism into overdrive. Overall, you’ll notice an accelerated calorie burn, which in turn benefits weight loss.

Full-Body Workout

Sandbag training stands out for offering a comprehensive full-body workout. The sheer versatility of sandbags allows you to target almost every muscle group, turning your exercise session into a holistic fitness experience. With every muscle working exceptionally hard, you won’t just burn calories but also burn fat and build muscle.

Focuses on All Planes of Motion

To become the strongest and most adaptable version of yourself, it’s essential to engage in exercises that span the three primary planes of motion: sagittal, frontal, and transverse. Unfortunately, many workout routines overlook the transverse plane. However, sandbag training effortlessly integrates movements across all these planes, thanks to the unique design of the bag and its handles.

Moreover, by altering the way you grip the sandbag, you can effectively target multiple planes simultaneously. For instance, a Sandbag Shoulder Lunge primarily works the sagittal plane while also exerting pressure on the frontal plane. Similarly, a Rotational Clean is an excellent example of an exercise that challenges all three planes, offering a comprehensive and balanced workout. This leads to higher energy expenditure, improved metabolic rate and reduced risk Of plateaus.

Sandbag Workout for Weight Loss

Now that we have understood what sandbag training is and how it helps with weight loss, here are some amazing sandbag exercises that you can perform in a circuit to reach your goals.

Importance of a Proper Warm-Up

Before you jump into the sandbag action, warming up is crucial. It’s like setting the stage for a grand performance. A good warm-up increases your heart rate, wakes up your muscles, and preps your body for the workout ahead. Think of it as a gentle nudge to your body, signalling it to gear up for the exciting challenge of sandbag training.

Related Article: Sandbag Workouts – Target Underused Muscles to Get Better Results In Half Time

Circuit #1: Full-Body Blast


Embrace the sandbag in a bear hug, keeping it close to your chest. Squat down as if sitting in a chair, keeping your back straight. You can also keep it over your shoulder and squat. Make sure to keep your core engaged and your spine neutral throughout the movement. This move is a powerhouse for the legs and core.

Push up

For a variation in push-ups, place your hands on the sandbag underneath your shoulders. Keep your feet together and ensure your body is in a nice straight line from head to toe. Now, flare your elbows to press your body towards the ground and then push your body back up. Keep your temp controlled and core engaged.

Rotational Lunge

Holding the sandbag, step into a lunge while rotating your upper body in the direction of the front leg. This move requires balance, strength, and agility, engaging your legs, core, and obliques. Keep your trunk engaged and focus on your balance.

Bent-Over Row

With your knees slightly bent and leaning forward, pull the sandbag towards your chest. Keep your neutral back. This targets your back and biceps, sculpting strength where it counts. However, keep your shoulders from rounding to keep a perfect form.

Circuit #2: Intensified Burn


Start by bending your knees and hips, then firmly grasp the centre of the sandbag with both hands. Swiftly lift the bag and swing its front/top end over one shoulder, using a smooth motion. Gently lower the weight and switch to the other shoulder for repetition. Remember, the key is to keep your back straight and avoid using your arms to pull the bag. Instead, let your hips and legs do the heavy lifting, powering the movement to get the sandbag onto your shoulder. This technique ensures that the right muscle groups are engaged for maximum efficiency and safety.

Sandbag Overhead Press

Holding the sandbag with both hands, keep your arms bent so that the bag rests at the level of your shoulders. Then, extend your arms to press the bag upwards above your head until they are fully straightened. After reaching this peak position, carefully bring the sandbag back down to the starting position at shoulder level. This exercise targets your shoulder, arm, and core muscles, enhancing strength and stability.

Related Article: Sandbag Workouts For Surprising, Speedy Results

How Much Weight to Lift

To understand sandbag training, having both a strongman sandbag and a standard sandbag with handles is ideal. The strongman sandbag is perfect for heavy powerlifting, while the standard sandbag offers greater versatility, including the ability to perform rotational exercises. If possible, acquiring both types of sandbags is beneficial, as they complement each other and provide a well-rounded sandbag training experience.

For men who are just starting out, a 50-pound sandbag is a sensible choice. Most standard sandbags with handles can hold up to 75 pounds, offering ample scope for progression and growth in your training. Initially, you might not need the strongman sandbag until you’re more accustomed to sandbag workouts.

For the more advanced male athletes, a standard 75-pound sandbag is recommended. Additionally, incorporating a strongman sandbag into your routine is advantageous for those times when you’re focusing on heavy lifting. This combination caters to both foundational and advanced strength training needs.

For women who are new to sandbag training, beginning with a 30-pound sandbag is a good starting point. As you become more proficient and confident in your training, you can gradually increase the weight, typically to around 50-60 pounds, for a variety of exercises. If your training plan doesn’t involve lifting more than 75 pounds, you might not need a strongman sandbag. In such cases, a standard sandbag with handles is a great choice to start with, offering enough flexibility for a range of exercises.

When it comes to selecting the right weight for specific exercises, it’s all about personal experimentation to find what suits you best. It’s important to start with a lighter weight to master the correct form before gradually increasing the weight. This approach ensures safety and effectiveness in your sandbag training journey. You can also wear gloves during your workouts to avoid calluses, especially if your hands are sensitive.


In summary, sandbag training is a great way to lose weight and get fit. It’s versatile, so it works for both beginners and advanced athletes, and it challenges your whole body. You can start with a lighter weight and increase as you get stronger. Sandbag exercises are fun and effective, helping you work out different muscles and avoid getting bored. Remember, the journey to weight loss is not just about shedding pounds; it’s about gaining strength, resilience, and a renewed sense of vitality. Let sandbag training be your guide to a fitter, healthier, and more empowered you.

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